When I began the first piece in this series I was playfully referring to it as my ‘‘coral donut’.
That was a pretty terrible name so I asked the lovely folks on social media for some better suggestions and they came up with some great ones. After narrowing it down to a killer shortlist I put the best name ideas to a vote on my social media and through my email list and ‘atoll’ was the clear winner.
An atoll is a ring-shaped coral reef, so it was a very fitting choice for this series of coral-inspired ring designs.
Much better than donut for sure.
Coral Polyp Atoll (2021), embroidery thread and pins on paper, 63 x 63cm.
Coral Polyp Atoll, angled view (2021), embroidery thread and pins on paper, 63 x 63cm.
The ‘Coral Polyp Atoll’ Was the first piece I made in the series. This polyp pattern is one of my earliest coral inspired designs, I think the first time I drew it was back in 2009. When I this type of design most of the design evolves at the sewing machine, I will sketch outlet basic swirly line-work so I know that the design will be balanced, but the individual polyps all get drawn at the machine. I always enjoy the challenge of these pieces.
Coral Fan Atoll (2021), embroidery thread and pins on paper, 63 x 63cm.
Coral Fan Atoll, angled view (2021), embroidery thread and pins on paper, 63 x 63cm.
I am obsessed with the colours in the ‘Coral Fan Atoll’ piece. I think it is one of my favourite colour schemes ever. It’s like candy. For this whole series I knew that I wanted to work with purples - which was weird because I so rarely work with that hue. But I am loving this purple world and the many colours that compliment it.
Corallite Atoll (2021), embroidery thread and pins on paper, 63 x 63cm.
Corallite Atoll, angled view (2021), embroidery thread and pins on paper, 63 x 63cm.
The ‘Corallite Atoll’ is the third piece I have made in the Atoll series. This piece also explores a delicious colour scheme (which I love) alongside one of my favourite repeating design motifs which is inspired by corallites (the cup-like calcareous skeleton of a single coral polyp).
So the question a few of you have been asking…. will the Coral Atoll pieces be available for sale??
Yes … but not just yet.
These pieces will be included in the upcoming ‘Artisans in the Gardens’ exhibition at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney in October 2021. Click HERE for more information about the exhibition.
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